Behold the Lamb of God

In lieu of my post yesterday, I thought it would be appropriate to let you know about an album that has been so helpful to Misha and I this Christmas season.  Not only do we enjoy the music, but it takes the focus off of the commercialized Christmas holiday and places it back on the why we even celebrate Christmas in the first place.

The CD album is entitled, Behold the Lamb of God by Andrew Peterson.  This has become our favorite Christmas CD by far this holiday.  Here's why.  The entire CD tells the story of Christ coming to earth, from creation to the incarnation. Andrew Peterson (as well as Misha and I) believe that the entire bible, Old Testament and the New Testament, are telling one overarching story.  This is his attempt to retell it in the form of song.  Here's what Mr. Peterson has to say for himself about the album.
"What makes this bunch of songs unique is that I wanted to remind (or teach) the audience that the story of Christmas doesn’t begin with the birth of Jesus. Many people tend to forget or have never even learned that the entire Bible is about Jesus, not just the New Testament.

So the musical begins with Moses and the symbolic story of the Passover (Passover Us) and works its way through the kings and the prophets with their many prophecies about the coming Messiah (So Long, Moses) to the awful four hundred years of silence before God told Mary she’d be having a baby (Deliver Us). After the song called Matthew’s Begats, which lists the genealogy of Jesus, the story picks up in more familiar territory with Mary and Joseph and the actual birth (It Came To Pass, Labor of Love). The final song is called Behold, the Lamb of God, which ties together the Passover and the beauty and scope of the story."
Here's one helpful tip when listening to the CD.  It is meant to be listened to from beginning to end, focusing on the words.  Like I said, the whole tells a story, so if you skip around, you won't quite grasp the whole story.

If you want to buy the actual CD, you can order it from his website.  However, has a great deal going on right now where you can get the 10th anniversary edition (mp3's only) for $7.99.  And for those of you who don't want to buy it, you can listen to the entire album online for free, lyrics and all.  At least do this.  I promise you won't regret it.

Lastly, here's a YouTube video of one of my favorite songs on the album.  It will give a taste of the entire album.

May God be more glorified this Christmas season because of this album.

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