Take Charge of the Television

I have another confession to make. I struggle with watching too much TV. When Misha and I first got married, we decided that we would watch as little TV as possible. We even started off our marriage without a television. Needless to say, I have not stepped in as spiritual leader and taken charge of the TV. It's so much easier to sit in front of the television after a long days work than to sit around the dinner table and care for and serve my wife by given her quality time. Thankfully, Randy Alcorn has posted a helpful article on how to take control of the TV. By the grace of God, I hope to employ some of his strategies to fight this common temptation. Here are 14 suggestions that Randy has for fellow TV-aholics.
  1. Keep track of how much time you spend watching.
  2. Decide in advance how much TV to watch per week.
  3. Use a schedule to choose programs for the week.
  4. Keep your TV unplugged, store it in a closet, and/or put it in a remote part of the house.
  5. Periodically "fast" from television for a week or a month.
  6. Choose programs that uplift rather than undermine biblical values.
  7. Use the "off" switch freely.
  8. Use the channel changer frequently.
  9. Watch and discuss programs together as a family.
  10. Don't allow young children to choose their own programs.
  11. Don't use the television as a babysitter.
  12. Spend an hour reading Scripture, a Christian book or magazine, or doing a ministry for each hour you watch TV.
  13. Consider dropping cable, Showtime, HBO, or any other service that you determine is importing ungodliness or temptation into your home.
  14. If you can't control it - or you're tired of the battle - get rid of your TV.
Read the rest here.

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