Three Views of the Christian Life

In his sermon this morning at my church (Sovereign Grace Church), one of my pastors, Tab, noted that there are three different views of the Christian life that a Christian can take. Only one is helpful.

1. Legalism: You must obey in order to be loved.
2. License: You are already loved, so there is no need to obey.
3. Gospel: You are loved, so obey. (John 15:9-11)

You are deeply loved by a God who sent his obedient Son to die in the place of wretchedly disobedient men & women. Therefore, obey.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent. So refreshing to see a pastor mention antinomianism in the same breath as legalism.

    The first chapter of this book is "Love and Obedience." If you would care to review it, I would be blessed to send you the pdf.


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