Welcome Aaron Camp to the Blog!

Over the past 2 years that Misha and I have lived in Aurora, IL, we have become good friends with one family in particular from our church, Aaron & Heather Camp. I can't remember how many nights we have spent hanging out, playing games, and talking with one another. God has been so kind to give us friends such as these.

One of the things that I enjoy most about hanging out with the Camp's is that Aaron and I get to discuss the many facets of our Christian faith. This may include diving deep into theology, sharing what we are currently reading, or discussing how current affairs are to be viewed in light of Scripture. Today, I would like to bring that same discussion to this blog. Aaron Camp will be a new contributor to Homo Unius Libri on a routine basis. He will be doing many of the same things I am currently doing, just in his own way. This will include pointing you to Christ-exalting resources, sharing what he is learning from Scripture, and doing some book reviews of recent books he has read.

I am really excited about Aaron contributing to this blog, and I hope you are as well. Since most of you do not know who he is, I conducted a short interview with Aaron so that you might get acquainted with the man himself.

Aaron, tell us a little bit about yourself. Include family, job, likes, dislikes, hobbies, or whatever else might help us know you a little better.

I'm married to my wonderful wife, Heather, for nearly three years now. I work at Crossway Books in Wheaton, IL in the Sales Department. Some of my main "likes" and hobbies are reading (theology and zoology are my favorite topics), painting, music (especially folk and rock) and the Indianapolis Colts.

How did you come to saving faith in Jesus?

I've never been able to give the date, but around the age of five years old I made a profession of faith. I truly believe that in child-like submission I believed the truth of Christ's death on behalf of me (the sinner), and responded in repentance. A question could be asked if that was the point that I gave my life to Christ, and to be fully honest, I'm nowhere near positive that I can remember my own thoughts and the event of that day very well. At the age of nineteen, through a series of events, I confronted that question head on. I had not been evidencing a life of faith in Christ, I was being tossed about by every philosophical fad I came across and frankly, I just didn't care most of the time about my relationship to Jesus, a church community or loving my neighbor. These are some serious realities that I had to deal with to reconcile my idea of being a disciple of Jesus! Through a variety of resources including intense study of new birth in the Bible, the book Chosen by God by R.C. Sproul and some great conversation with mature believers, I interacted with the idea that the sovereign & loving God was working out a plan to save sinners and redeem his creation beginning with the church. I now had a context to place Jesus' work in that made sense out of the world around me. I tend to look at this stage as a time of growing in understanding of salvation, but I must admit that the change of life that resulted truly causes me to wonder if I experienced new birth at a later age. I'm thrilled to know that my salvation does not require me to remember a date and place, but faith in the Messiah's work on my behalf and repentance.

What excites you the most about getting to serve the readers of this blog?

The conviction that right thinking leads to right affections, which leads to right living. This is only true in light of God's grace, and it does not happen apart from God first loving us. He is teaching us actively through our interaction with His Word. Both in opening our eyes to the truthfulness (internally), and in the experience of the Spirit teaching from the actual pages of Scripture (externally) as the Author. It is interaction with The Word that we see growth in our knowledge of God. It is my firm conviction that this blog exist to help people in their understanding and love for the Word by cultivating a desire to know and love Jesus. Could there be a more exciting reason to serve?

I don't think there is, Aaron.  I am so excited to have you on board with me, and I hope the readers of this blog will be served well from their interaction with you.

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