Should We Marry if We Are Theologically Divided?

Dr. Russell Moore recently had a couple write in and ask him this question.  To make it even more interesting, the young man is a self-proclaimed Reformed, dispensational fundamentalist while the young woman is a Pentecostal.  If you are not familiar with those terms, suffice it to say that they differ on lots of theological topics.

What I really appreciate about this article is Dr. Moore's wise & loving response.  It's worth the few minutes it takes to read, especially if you happen to find yourself in a similar situation.  You can read it here.


  1. This calls for a Hegelian synthesis:

    Thesis: Reformed dispensationalist
    Antithesis: Charismaniac
    Synthesis: Find a Sovereign Grace church!

  2. I haven't seen a more appropriate Hegelian synthesis since I discovered the meaning of the term at T4G 2010. Never mind that this is also the first!


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