Book Giveaway: Radical by David Platt

Friday, I posted a book review of Radical by David Platt.  On Friday, I'm going to give 1 copy of Radical and 1 copy of the condensed version of the book, The Radical Question, away for free.  All you have to do is post a comment below using the word "radical" or any form of it as many times in one sentence as possible while still being nearly grammatically correct.  For instance:

"It would be so radically radical if you radically chose this radical dude to get a free radical copy of Radical by the radical pastor David "Radical" Platt."

Please be sure not to post anonymously, or I won't be able to pick you since I'll have no idea who posted the comment.  I'll pick 2 winners randomly on Friday.  Let the commenting commence.


  1. That's so rad, I called to tell my wife. See what I did there? I hid the word "radical" in my first sentence.

  2. There is nothing more radical than using my radical writing skills to radically write a radical sentence about potentially winning a free copy of a radical book called "Radical" by the most radical person I do not know, David Platt, or simply "Radical P."

  3. When I was raising my son, I often thought he wasn't radical because the most radical thought he had was about frogs but it wasn't any frog but a wart-worn radical bull frog and caught using the radical Christmas present that I gave to my wife on our first Christmas, that radical five prong frog gig, however the radical gig got pitched by my unradical wife and my semi-radical son took note and never went frog gigging or dreaming about bull frogs again. Dad Seger

  4. Yes, and the wife thought it was the most radically ridiculous gift anyone could ever receive! Fortunately, our radically wonderful son to note and never gives his radically beautiful wife stupid gifts!! Jonathan, you are radically wonderful son :)

  5. I am eagerly waiting to hear how reading Radical has radically challenged your faith and what radical steps you will now be taking to live the radical life Christ has called you to live, AND should I be lucky enough to win this radical giveaway, I have no doubt that God will use this radical book to radically transform my walk with Christ, challenging me to radically reach out to the lost and to "the least of these." God bless you, Jonathan. - Kristina Faleskin (By the way- Greg and I have been listening to David Platt's Radical sermon series online) :)

  6. I find it radically mind-altering to consider how the word 'radical' has taken on a radically different meaning over my years, having gone from slang approval ("Radical, dude!) to a mathematical term (don't remember exactly other than radically hating that part of algebra) to now focusing on truly radical definition intended at its conception: radical describes a fundamental, essential change or reform, much like the radical transformation that only occurs through Christ our Savior.

  7. "rad"--quoting Josh Fenska

  8. i just went out and bought the book today because i knew i couldn't come up with a radical enough sentence :)

  9. Hey Jon! You probably didn't know I was reading your radaicious blog but I radically stumbled across it on facebook a few months ago, about the same time that God radically revealed himself in my life and made me a believer with a radical hunger to keep learning more about Him :-) Now I am hoping the radical randomness that you use to select the winners will allow me chance to receive this book and see how it will radically change my life or at least give me a more radical perspective ---Kim Dietz (from Purdue)


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