A Christmas Surprise for Wifey

I love surprising my wife. The look on her face and the way she looks into my eyes when her surprise is revealed is priceless. I wouldn't trade it for the world. Therefore, seizing the opportunity that Christmas gives, I decided to give it a go once more. I would give her the only gift she really wanted but never thought she would get.

However, this time, I couldn't do it alone. What she really wanted cost much more than I could afford. That's where the family stepped in. We pooled the money together, bought the gift, hid it for 30 days, and revealed it to her at Christmas...... and I got the unveiling on tape. Roll the footage.

Also, here's a post from my wife's blog on how much she loves it.

Merry Christmas, my sweet love!

1 comment:

  1. That was AWESOME!!!! Thanks Jon for taping that so we got to see her response.


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