Paul Washer Mocks the Modern "Gospel"

My good buddy, Stephen Willcox (who blogs at Proclaiming the Unfathomable Riches of Jesus!), posted this video of Paul Washer on his Facebook page. In it, Pastor Washer addresses the problems with the popular "gospel" that is so often preached today - "Believe in God and you can have your best life now!"

Stephen, thanks for posting this.


  1. Jon this is a great critique of the way the gospel is often presented. I glad to see this get out. Perhaps we could find a 5 min. clip somewhere of someone presenting the gospel in the right way so we can not only show everyone not how to do it but how to. Let me know if you find a good one. Blessings brother!

    Thanks for the plug :-)

  2. This is a subject I've pondered long and hard about. I've studied the structures of the sermons in Acts seeking to find the common elements of the gospel. I'd recommend this project if you're ever looking for something to do during quiet times, as it was pretty enriching for me. 2 Petrine passages that I like to contemplate as being a good statement of the true gospel is Peter's address in Acts 2:16-39 coupled with 1st Peter 1: 3-9. Anyway. Hope all is well!

    in HIM


  3. That does sound like an enriching exercise in Acts. If you could sum up the gospel in Acts after your study of it, what would it be? I'd like to hear the outcome of your study.


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