TGC Conference: John Piper

The second session of the Gospel Coalition Conference was given by a personal icon of mine, John Piper. Driven by his passion for the supremacy of Christ in all things, Dr. Piper stamped his mantra on the hearts of men and women around the globe: "God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him." Not only does he faithfully lead and shepherd his own flock at Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis, MN, but he is also building up a generation of men, women, pastors, and laymen around the globe who long to see God glorified through the gospel of Christ.

John Piper has written dozens of books, all of which you should read in your lifetime (I'm still working on that). His more infamous titles include Desiring God, The Pleasures of God, and his most recent release, Finally Alive. All of Dr. Piper's sermons, essays, manuscripts, and books are available online at at no cost to the user.

Piper's talk at the TGC Conference was entitled Feed the Flame of God's Gift: Unashamed Courage in the Gospel from 2 Timothy 1:1-12. His main encouragement throughout the whole talk was this: "Keep feeding the flame of God's gift in you - namely, unashamed courage to speak openly of Christ and to suffer for the gospel." He then continues on to explain that the flame of this gift (courage) is dependent on the feeding of it and the feeding of it is dependent on God's grace. The audio and video can both be found here.

One final note. If you have ever struggled with the fear of proclaiming the gospel and suffering for it, keep a box of tissues nearby. This message will mess you up... in a good way.


  1. seger, i watched and read the commentary of the conference via the link on your profile last week... looked like an awesome conference- did you go to it???

  2. So I just saw your other post about you going to the confernce.. LOL- when i read about it, I was mad that it was not closer to NE Ohio!! I will be checking out some of those resources... awesome.


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